The free Core IQ test is a personality profile that provides insight into your individual preferences, habits, and personality. The test identifies both an overall Core IQ score and a breakdown of the 12 areas that make up your personality. Have fun!
Time. There are no time requirements, but most people take between 5 and 15 minutes to complete the test.
Cost. There is no cost for taking the test or getting your personal profile. You will never be asked for credit card or financial information. The costs for research and development for the Core IQ test and algorithms were underwritten by the supporters of the Core IQ.
Questions. The test consists of 48 questions where you rank yourself from “1 to 10” on a series of daily habits, rituals, and routines. Answering “1” means “never,” and a “10” means “always.” You may go back and change any answer at any time, and you may take the test as often as you like.
Self-Assessment. People are often considered the best judge of their own type. For example, when you go to the doctor for a stomach ache, it is important to explain your symptoms. Or, if you go to a restaurant only you know what looks good to you. These principles apply here. This test helps you understand how you best fit into the four cornerstone dichotomies. Like any self-assessment, providing honest answers is essential. The objective of the test is to provide authentic insights into your own preferences.
Retesting. We recommend that you take the Core IQ test about once a year as an assessment of your overall preferences and assessments.
Personality Traits. Core IQ measures “type” and not “trait.” Core IQ does not measure ability or strength. It simply shows the “most likely fit” into the various areas.
No “Right” or “Wrong.” The Core IQ has no right or wrong answers. No trait, cornerstone, or dichotomy can be considered “bad.” Indeed, they can all be good, it is a matter of preference.
Ethics. The Core IQ test is always voluntary. It is unethical to force or compel anyone to take the Core IQ test.
Confidentiality. The result of the Core IQ test are always confidential. We do not review or maintain any record of your test results.
No Criteria for Selection. The results of the Core IQ test should never be used as a basis to select, hire, fire, evaluate, or label any individual. All traits are valuable, and the Core IQ test measures inclinations and preferences, not performance or aptitude. The Core IQ test is never to be considered as a proper instrument for employment selection.
Feedback. It is important to carefully read the feedback provided with the test results.
Overall Core IQ Score. Your overall score can range from a low of 50 to a high of 150. The average score is “100,” however the important factor is not comparison with others but rather monitoring your relative growth over time. You can retake the test as often as you like, so be sure to monitor your progress over time. The important thing is to continually grow and elevate.
Breakout of 12 Core Areas. A Core IQ is a combination of 12 essential areas. This section can identify the specific core areas that are strong, as well as those issues that require more attention.
Color Personality Test. The four core personality types have been identified for centuries. The Core IQ test analyses your answers and shows your relative level in each of these four areas. The test identifies a color personality assessment. There are four colors—red, yellow, blue, and green—that correlate to four personality types. “Red” personalities are “take charge people,” “yellow” are social and relationship oriented, “blue” are analytical thinkers, and “green” are allies who play productive roles.